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How To Handle Noise During Your Wedding Ceremony

If you’re planning a wedding, one thing you want to take into consideration is an unplugged ceremony. Noise during some of the most intimate and precious moments of the ceremonial portion of the day, especially when your vows are being exchanged can be a distraction.

There are some ways to reduce the presence of ringtones, calls, and text message alerts ruining your most precious moments.

Here are some suggestions for dealing with noise during your Ceremony:

Q. What can I do about cellphones and additional noise during my ceremony?

A. Have the DJ or Master of Ceremony inform everyone present to “Please silence their phones until the ceremony is complete.” This is a great way to send a mass message in a short time.

OR B. My favorite solution is to go UNPLUGGED. What does that mean? It means no cellphone use throughout the entire ceremony. Isn’t that rude? No, for starts, it works GREAT for photography and cinematography. Have you ever seen those photos where every other person is holding up a cellphone and instead of the photo focusing on the couple, you see a mini- Apple iPhone Advertisement, lol.

Both “A” and “B” will benefit your Ceremony and your guest should understand how important it is to you that they also enjoy themselves by not clinching to their cellphones.

Q. What can I do if a child is crying during my ceremony?

A. Unfortunately little ones are on their own agenda when they are newborns or even toddlers, but the parents can help you by simply quietly leaving the ceremony area or heading towards the back area of the ceremony location until the child is feeling better and able to re-enter the main ceremony location.

Some may think that this is rude, but after shooting a numerous amount of weddings this type of noise can really ruin a ceremony; especially if this noise occurs during the time of vow exchange between the couple.

Orlando Wedding Photographer

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